Why I Hate The Subway

Why I Hate The Subway

Ukulele strumming and bongo pounding. Can't a subway passenger catch a break?
North Koreans Weep For Kim Jong-Il

North Koreans Weep For Kim Jong-Il

North Koreans reacting oddly to Kim Jong-il's death.
And This Is Why I Don’t Live In Australia

And This Is Why I Don’t Live In Australia

Exactly why I don't live in Australia: because in Australia, giant spiders crawling on your wall -- and on your face -- is completely normal.
Incredible Helicopter Heist In Sweden

Incredible Helicopter Heist In Sweden

Swedish prosecutors have charged 10 men with theft for stealing 39 million Swedish kronor ($5.3 million) from a Stockholm cash depot last year in a helicopter heist. Prosecutor Leif Gorts says five men were charged Monday July 19, 2010 with aggravated robbery and five with complicity. Two other suspects remain at large. Gorts says a massive investigation into the Sept. 23 robbery included tips from police in Serbia, wiretapping and DNA analysis. Police say they have recovered some of the cash but that most remains missing. If found guilty, the men face prison terms of up to 10 years. Nine of the suspects are Swedes and one is Syrian. They have all denied the charges.
Incredible Mongolian Throat Singer

Incredible Mongolian Throat Singer

Incredible Mongolian Throat Singer