The Science Behind A Bird’s Song

The Science Behind A Bird’s Song

When slowed down, bird's songs sound like works of art -- some of which have inspired the world's most famous composers.
Just How Big Is Infinity?

Just How Big Is Infinity?

Using the fundamentals of set theory, explore the mind-bending concept of the "infinity of infinities" -- and how it led mathematicians to conclude that math itself contains unanswerable questions.
Yo-Yos In Space

Yo-Yos In Space

Answering the important questions: what happens when you use a Yo-Yo in space?
The Transfixing Euler’s Disk

The Transfixing Euler’s Disk

Give Euler's Disk a spin and observe the hypnotic display of light and continually changing sound.
The Soda Can Shake Up Experiment

The Soda Can Shake Up Experiment

An interesting experiment exploring carbonation in soda cans.