The Greatest Scene In Film History

The Greatest Scene In Film History

The romance, the chemistry, the emotions… the hot dog shirts.
Garbage Day

Garbage Day

When a movie is called "Silent Night Deadly Night 2", you know it has to be good.
Catwoman’s Epically Awful Basketball Scene

Catwoman’s Epically Awful Basketball Scene

How did anyone scene and think "oh yah, this isn't the worst thing made in human history"?
Reimagining The Hangover As A Horror

Reimagining The Hangover As A Horror

An awesome recut of the Hangover as a horror movie.
The Most 25 Amazing Alfred Hitchcock Movie Posters

The Most 25 Amazing Alfred Hitchcock Movie Posters

From "Birds" to "Strangers On A Train", a fascinating collection of twenty-five amazing Alfred Hitchcock movie posters and artwork.